Hyundai GDS USA on torrent
Hyundai GDS USA on torrent
– The Global Diagnostic System (GDS) is the OEM diagnostic tool used by Hyundai and Kia dealers. GDS offers complete diagnostic and reprogramming capabilities for all Hyundai and Kia vehicles as well as a comprehensive maintenance and service information database.
– With highly advanced hardware and extensive software capabilities, GDS provides a complete diagnostic and service solution for any Hyundai or Kia vehicle. The GDS software features complete service and troubleshooting information as well as detailed repair and maintenance instructions.
Download and installion:
Hyundai GDS USA on torrent
– On empty windows installation must start from master DVD.
– Then you can install 2014 update.
– Hyundai GDS USA master 2013 12.44GB
– Hyundai GDS USA update 2014 9.63GB
Reference image:
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